Thursday, November 20, 2008

credits to Muney

1) Explain your relationship status:
- Attached. && loving it.
2) Name a lyric from the last song you listened to:
- "for all the times you stood by me, for all the truth that you made me see....." =)
3) What did you wear today?
- clothes?
4) Do you wear contact lenses or glasses?
- contact lenses.
5) How many windows are open on your computer?
- one.
6) What are you doing after this?
- going out for nadim training.
7) Where did you get the shirt you are wearing?
- LANGKAWI. hee.
8) Do you like to cuddle?
- VERY much.
9) Which one of your cousins is closest to you in age?
- Illyana. gosh. now that u've mentioned it, i just noticed. its been more than a year since i last saw her. gee.
10) Do you like someone? Does his/her name start with A, B, D, K, M, C, or J?
- yes. his name starts with T. and then A. and then U and then F and then I and then ........
11) Do you like hugs?
- YES!
12) Are you a loud person?
- err. no? ok bedek. a bit lah.
13)Are you wearing underwear right now?
- uhuh. like duh.
14) Look to your left, what do you see?
- the mirror. damn i'm selekeh now.
15) What is one thing you would love to happen tomorrow?
- get Awang Belanga's admin settled.
16) Would your parents be mad if you came home smashed?
- hmm. based on experience, i guess so.
17) Have you ever had a crush on your siblings friend?
- i think so. hee.
18) Does it matter to you if your bf/gf smokes?
- yes it does matter. a lot. but luckily he doesnt. =))
19) Do you think you have made a difference in anyone's life?
- err. i dont know. but i really do hope so.
20) Is there a guy/girl that knows everything or mostly every thing about you?
- My twin sister. my ex.
21) Who was that last person you had a phone call longer than 7 minutes?
- my french tomato. huhu.
22) How often do you hold back from saying what you are thinking?
- Rarely. its bad i know.
23) Last serious hug?
- last week. saturday night. i remembered. heh.
24) Would you ever dye your hair blonde?
- NOOOO! ugly or what sey.
25) Is something bothering you?
- yes. the weather.
26) Has anyone ever told you that you have pretty eyes?
- ooh. yes yes. my french tomato. my ex.
27) Do you believe that you can change for someone?
- that is if that person would want to change for me.
28) What time you wake up this morning?
- 6 am. what the heck was i thinking?
29) Would you go back in time to change something?
- this is the one thing i want and wish for every single day.
30) Is it hard leaving people behind?
- yes. it is. esp if that someone leaves something behind.
31) What are you excited for?
32) Who was the last missed call?
- Hayati. sorry babe. i cant go today.
33) At the moment are you more warm or cold?
- Warm.
34) What was the last thing you spent your money on?
35) Is there one song that reminds you of the whole summer?
- yep. the songs on this blog of mine.
36) What are you doing right now?
- typing. haha.
37) Can you handle the truth?
- Yes.
38) How's your life lately?
- heavy duty. *ish. dah macam Energizer battery gitu.*
39) When's the last time you did something you knew was wrong?
- i dont know. but it was esp so last year.
40) If the year consisted of only one season, which would you choose?
- Spring. i love flowers. =)
41) Do you hate being alone?
42) Where were you last night?
- first half of the night, i was with my french tomato. another half of the night, i was at home. script-ing.
43) Last non-alcoholic beverage consumed?
- plain water.
44) Do you currently have a hickey?
- Nope.
45) Think back to the last person you held hands with, would you kiss them?
- oh oh yes please!
46) When did you first get Myspace?
- i dont even have it now. haha.
47) Are you drifting away from any friends?
- i am drifting away from hafiz n handry. oh no.
48) What are you listening to?
- the sounds of my siblings quarelling. sheesh.
49)Does the last person who put their arm around you mean anything to you?
- a lot.
50) Are you comfortable with answering personal questions?
- Yes. well actually. it depends, ya know.
51) Ever kissed someone who smokes?
- Yes. do i regret it? yes.
52) Someone on your mind right now?
- yes. u know who.
53) Who was the last person to sit on your bed?
- Ismah.
54) Where were you at 2:02 this morning?
- home. i told u i was sleeping didnt i?
55) Did you go to sleep last night smiling?
- haha. yes.
56) Anyone told you a secret this week?
- just yesterday.
57) When was the last time you bought something?
- yesterday. HONEY MILK TEA!

``Mat Jenin

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