Sunday, January 25, 2009


oak abe abe.
im currently at JB. at my aunt's place. and i am so freaking bored. yeah i have a phone but what use is it if i dont have any connection? well at least i have internet access. anyway. i've not been spending time with lahling lately and its so freaking frustrating. yes i do have other important things to do like revising. ok fine. REVISING. but still. i do have to destress right? i'm not the 'go-all-the-way' kind of person. mesti mau releks ada betul? haiya. die ah. common test is just around the corner. and i'm SOO not prepared for it. too much things on my mind? well not quite. its just the typical procrastination. damn i have to kick this habit. it'll eat me up alive i tell u. hmms. been having some misunderstanding with lahling. one that does deserve attention. he's not used to it as yet i guess. i'm sorry. i was so mean. nevertheless, he never disappoints me. he always manage to clear the murks. thank you for that sms. if it wasnt for that, i'd still be here, as mad as ever. i swear i love u. =) well. there's a high possibility that i wont be back till tuesday. and there goes my date. again. haiyo. if i'm stranded a little while longer i'll go mad. wahahahahah! ok part tu bedek. ok dah. i wanna go kacau my daddy. i want him to wake up because when he does, he'll wake my mum up. and when my mum wakes up she's call out to all my other siblings. and when they all wake up, i can pester them to go home. hehehe. *inserts evil grin*

At 11.12pm;

sehari berjauhan, setahun rindunye.
saya sayang awak ngan little *. kiss2.
``Mat Jenin

Thursday, January 15, 2009


oak abe abe.
its been quite a while since i last blogged ey. so sorry. been quite busy lately. trying to juggle mcs n its upcoming events, schoolwork, family, friends and of course dear lahling. sheesh. its quite a handful i should say. n its just the first week of school mind u. oh well. i've started school on a good note. finishing up my assignments and listening to tutorials [only when hafiz is not around. wahahaha.] yeah. whenever he's around, i can barely concentrate. idiot. =P anyway. i hope i can clear my common test. that's why i'm starting to work my ass out now. when people go home at 6, i'm still at the canteen trying to figure out and take note of what i manage to scribble down during lecture. hmms. changing to be a better woman. whatever sey yan. *rolls eyes* ok. cant talk much now, gotta rush for my mob assignment that's due tmrw. *mumbles* wait. dont tell me i'm not sleeping again. damn.

arh. force oi. force. - Zulkifli.H

``Mat Jenin

Monday, January 5, 2009

whatever it is.

What if you had a baby with the last perso​n you texte​d?​​
: hehe. yes please!

If your ex said they hate you, you say?
: "finally! i've been wanting to say that to u a long time ago!"

​​Name somet​hing you are doing​ tomor​row?​​
: Scripting at RP.

​​When was the last time you had Starbucks?​​
: erm. last year? wait. or is it last last year?

​​What are your favou​rite colou​r(​​s)​​?​​
: Pink!

Are you named​ after​ anyon​e?​​
: nope.

​​What were you to be calle​d if you were a girl?​​
: Beyonce? =P heh. i am a girl dumb dumb.

​​Anyth​ing you want to ask someo​ne?​​
: "is it so hard for u to admit it?"

​​What is on your bed right​ now?
: my sister, izzah.

​​Where​ were you last night​ at midni​ght?​​
: in front of the comp trying to fix my blog.

Who was the last perso​n you gave your numbe​r to?
: Yue Han. oh u nadim-ians. grr.

​​What are you excit​ed about​?​
: School. i guess.

Do you drink​ bottl​ed water​?​​
: yes sir. non-carbonated ones sir.

Do you think​ you have made a diffe​rence​ in anyon​e'​​s life?​​
: yes. i dare say i did.

​​Where​ is your phone​?​​
: beside me.


: gosh. i cant even rmb.

Phone​ Call
: Zulkifli.

CD Playe​d
: WWE Vengeance.

: a few hours ago.

Time You Cried​
: just now in the afternoon.

Have You'​​s:​​

Dated​ Someo​ne Twice​
: yes.

Been Cheat​ed On

Bough​t condo​ms
: hahaha. no.

Lost Someo​ne
: uhuh.

THREE Thing​s You Did In The Past Three​ Days:​​

Taken​ drugs​
: No.

Got Drunk​
: No.

Eaten​ Chees​e
: err. mozzarella on pizza?

List THREE​ Thing​s You Want To Do Befor​e You Die:
3. Go to Bora-Bora Island.

TWO Confe​ssion​s:​

1. I love u hell loads, baby.
2. I've grown fat. idiot.

So Far in '08:

Laugh​ed Until​ You cried
: yes. during pesta pantun. hahaha.

Who Is The Best Hugge​r You Know
: Anwar.

Do You Belie​ve In Love At First​ Sight​
: totally.

Is your bed again​st more than one of your walls​?​​
: yes.

Have you ever been attra​cted to someo​ne'​​s paren​t?​​
: eiu. never.

Do you think​ you'​​ve chang​ed over the past year?​​
: Yes. a lot. i mean a WHOLE LOT.

Do you curre​ntly have feeli​ngs for anybo​dy?​​
: Definitely.

Would​ you ever kiss your best frien​d'​​s boyfr​iend/​​girlf​riend​?​​
: how about if my bestfriend kissed my boyfriend?

Would​ you ever live with anyon​e on your top frien​ds?​
: i would.

Which​ do you like bette​r,​​ myspa​ce or faceb​ook?​​
: friendster.

Have you hugge​d anyon​e in the last 72 hours​?​​
: yes. approx 4 hours ago.

Who can you blame​ for your mood today​?​​
: my siblings. urgh.

Three​ days from now will you be in a relat​ionsh​ip?​​
: heh. i am. and will still be 3 days from now.

What is somet​hing you wish you had?
: a good a level certificate?

Have you kisse​d any frien​ds on your top frien​ds?​​
: gee. ainie, can i consider u in? =P

Do you fall for peopl​e easil​y?​​
: nope.

Would​ you ever becom​e a veget​arian​?​​
: never. chicken rice rocks, bebeh.

Who was the last perso​n you hugge​d?​​
: lahling.

What was the first​ thing​ you thoug​ht this morni​ng?​​
: to reply to the sms-es that i didnt reply yday night. heh.

``Mat Jenin


BOY : wah. the 'missing-my-darling' virus is kicking in.
GIRL : *blushes* gee. now i'm infected with the 'i-cant-stop-smiling' virus. =))
``Mat Jenin

Sunday, January 4, 2009

i want my french tomato.

pretty please.

dear. dear.

DESPO is not a nice word to use ey? fine then. i'll call u BITCH, u mothafucking liar. so, BITCH. tell me about your whole RAPE fairytale. i would love to hear about it.

ok dah. that's it about that despo. oh. i mean, BITCH. *rolls eyes* now for myself. i've been feeling a little not myself lately. more specifically i've been losing my head these days. i dont know why. is it the weather? no. is it the situation? na'ah. what a great way to headstart my year. thanks to that stupid despo. i mean, stupid BITCH. its been a 2 days sionce i last saw lahling. n damn i cant believe what i'm feeling. its as if i've not been seeing him for 2 years gitu. hahaha. eleh. baru2 je rase gitu. bile dah lama2, nak sms pun malas. muahahaha! tak lah. oh well, since the feeling just happens to be there, let's just savour it, shall we? LAHLING AH. I MISSED YOU LEI. HOW? hehh. well. school is starting soon and i'm soo not prepared. sheesh. i just hate growing up.
oak abe abe.

``Mat Jenin

Thursday, January 1, 2009

goodbye 2008. hello 2009!

oak abe abe!

this is my 108th post ever since Jan 08. and this is my 1st post for jan 09. yay! heh. ok. 2008 ended nicely for me. thanks to NADIMians. sayang korang. =)) so much has happened this year. and i mean SOO much. from personal problems, to school problems, to love problems and friendship problems. its normal for me i guess. but i wish that 2009 will be a much better year for me, putting aside the fact that i am going to sit for my a levels this year. gosh. oh well.

anyway. some people made my 2008, a year i will never forget. HIM. && DOUBLE HIM. && SAYEMBARA - KHILAF. && NADIM. especially. thanks. i will never forget those moments. *smiles*

i also wanna say sorry to some people whom i think deserve it. TWIN SIS. DAYAH. ANWAR. AMIRA. and especially darling ZULKIFLI. u know what wrong i did to u guys. i'm sorry. it was just the spur of the moment.

twin, i've always been there for u. but u didnt noticed. dayah, dont always feel that ur at the losing end. i'm sorry if i dont spend time with u but i really want to make time to.
anwar, i've nothing more to say. i've lost so much by having to lose u. maybe we were not meant to be. not like what we used to be. 3 years is not easy. u know it.
amira, i've said sorry before and i'm saying it again. i'm sorry if i was the cause of everything. i felt what u felt before. but i know u'll get someone better in the future.
and ZUL. its so sweet of u to manage all my nonsense and put up with my mood swings and all. perhaps u r the treasure i've been looking for. i love u and i will try to change my ways to suit u. thanks for everything u gave me. and i'm sorry for those times i messed with u. i didnt mean to.

and to the rest of u. may 2009 bring u joy, happiness and success in all that u do. happy new year people! =)

``Mat Jenin