Saturday, August 9, 2008


yday was fun. we had activities in school, after school n the best part is, there were cute people everywhere! teehee. ok stop. yday i went bowling with hafiz hidayah handry n zul. i learnt one thing yday. hafiz knew how to BOWL! like wth. he was damn good lah. shoot him. grr. aniwae. we wanted to make that day as special as possible so we decided to invited amirah razak along. *well she was hoping somthing special would happen on that day. =P* then we went to jrg ent ctr to get some pictures. which surprising turns out nice considering the fact that hafiz was in picture. haha. oh yah btw. he looked so hot lah in his outfit. *Hafiz, if ur reading this, jgn nk kembang2 pulak. dah bagus aku puji kau tau.* aniwae talkign abt outfits, i cant even walk properly in the outfit that i wore yday. i swear i nvr wear those kinda stuff before. i feel womanised. haha. the flaps at the bottom of that dress keeps flipping open exposing whatever that shudnt be exposed. having said that, ya know what zul told me? if he sees it once accidentally, it's a bonus. if he sees it more than 2 times, it's considered a sin. wth. haha. nevertheless i had fun yday. so much fun to the extent that i forgot my hunger. kekeke. yeah. ok. i love my peeps. sheesh. random siak. haha. okok i'm done.

ps. ur confession on this day really made a difference. it made my heart smile. =)

``Mat Jenin

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