Sunday, October 4, 2009

oak abe abe people of the world!

i've not been updating cuz i've so many things on my mind that i have to do. anyway. raya outing was yesterday and it is super fun. very fun. i was glad that some of my friends are having fun the way they should and not dwell over pathetic problems. oh yes. u know what? i have a new fan reading my blog right now. some yellow-teethed slut. heh. tak mampu beli berus dan ubat gigi sebab duit semua dah spent beli barang2 "branded'. kesian. anyway. blogger is so annoying nowadays. pfft. so cant upload much pictures as yet. maybe soon ok? =)

and this paragraph is going to be a bit songsang because it is dedicated to songsang bitch.

what makes u think that i dont know anything about u? at least i dont abort babies, u cheap slut. and it wasnt a mistake. u did it once and u did it again. wah. macam free gitu eh Tuhan kasi kau baby? then kau suka2 je buang. at least my parents know everything i do and did. my stories are long over. urs arent because in this very second, ur story is circulating around me and you like wildfire. oh and btw. i wonder what is so pretty about u. umm. white, cheap, aneroxic.. did i mention cheap? itu belum masuk gigi kuning, takde pantat, takde tetek, asyik fail exam, gp pun susah nak pass, perasan virgin padahal dah beribu kali kena mantat... gigi kuning.. oh oh. dah cakap eh? haha. sorry ah. eh betina. u hit the wrong spot ah eh. ur comment isnt cutthroat. so biar aku advice kau sikit. just get this into that puny brain of yours. stop ur childish acts of blog-bitching about people and mind ur own business. ape? life kau tu boring sangat ke sampai nak kena masuk campur dalam hal hidup orang? if u dont have anything better to do then just go fuck and sleep [eh cannot sleep. because u cannot stay out late mah.] with ur mat motor OR ur bf like u always do. or better, go study GP. its worthwhile. =)

ok dah. ish i terikut2 perasan, u... heh. i wanna go sleep lah. very super sleepy and tired. oh oh. and babe, your flower still with me sia. when u want me to pass to you? cemburu i tengok bunga tu hari2. heee. lovelove~

``Mat Jenin

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