Saturday, February 28, 2009


oak abe abe!
weyheyhey.. its been ages since i touched this blog. hee. sorry about that mates. i was trying not to get distracted because it was the common test. one that determines my fate. *macam paham siak yan.* hahaha. anyway, common tests are over bebeh! i couldnt get more relieved than this. ok lah. maybe after awang belanga is over and done with but for now, i'm actually more contented than i have ever been throughout my whole 3 years in MI. i have a good feeling about his but i dont wanna assure myself as yet. u will never kinow what the results will turn out to be like.
ok. a lot has happened actually through this whole period when i was on hiatus. hmm let's see.
  1. I passed my NAPHA test. and i clocked 14.30 for my 2.4 run. for someone my size, hell i'm proud. =)
  2. I actually studied for all of my GP timed assignments. gosh. i never thought it would happen. heh.

  3. On 13 Feb, Mishary turns 1. weeee~
  4. Oh. I spent half of my V.Day at the NTU Open House. the other half, of course, i spent it with my dearest babydarling. and he was uber sweet that day. *kiss2*

  5. During 21 Feb, Cg Ila signed me and Lahling up for the boogle competition. wth. i dont even know anything about this whole boogle thing. never heard of it, never knew about it. sheesh.
  6. Then comes the all important COMMON TEST. generally, all the papers were tricky and difficult. haiya. die lorr yan. die.

yeah. i guess that's all i can remember. oh yes. people. if u wanna buy tickets for awang belanga please do call or msg me. $5 per tix bebeh. as usual. btw. i wanna wish a very happy birthday to hidayah golek and also to cikgu mardiana. heh. semoga Allah panjangkan umur awak berdua dan semoga awak berjaya mencapai cita2 awak. =) oh oh. happy monthsary babydarling. ur msg was so touching. i loved it. thanks very much. sayang awak sangat2. oh yah. sebelum saye lupa. saye ingin mengucapkan ribuan terima kasih kepada teman2 saye yang tersayang iaitu, along, angah dan alang kerana sudi untuk membimbing saye dalam pelajaran. tanpa awak semua, tak mungkin saye akan berpuas hati dengan usaha yang telah saye curahkan pada minggu lalu. terutama sekali pada angah. saye sayang awak semua. HUGS. ok random pictures.

during hidayah's birthday dinner.

along. busu. alang.

i swear this guy is super irritating.

me and amirah. mugging for management.

ok dah. tmrw i have training kat city hall. mak datuk. peh jauh. tapi takpe. mcs punye pasal saye sanggup. hee. ochey. till the next update. Zaassss~

``Mat Jenin

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