Thursday, January 15, 2009


oak abe abe.
its been quite a while since i last blogged ey. so sorry. been quite busy lately. trying to juggle mcs n its upcoming events, schoolwork, family, friends and of course dear lahling. sheesh. its quite a handful i should say. n its just the first week of school mind u. oh well. i've started school on a good note. finishing up my assignments and listening to tutorials [only when hafiz is not around. wahahaha.] yeah. whenever he's around, i can barely concentrate. idiot. =P anyway. i hope i can clear my common test. that's why i'm starting to work my ass out now. when people go home at 6, i'm still at the canteen trying to figure out and take note of what i manage to scribble down during lecture. hmms. changing to be a better woman. whatever sey yan. *rolls eyes* ok. cant talk much now, gotta rush for my mob assignment that's due tmrw. *mumbles* wait. dont tell me i'm not sleeping again. damn.

arh. force oi. force. - Zulkifli.H

``Mat Jenin

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